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Geeky Ballerina

artistry + technique

geeky ballerina logo, female dancer in arabesque

I am so excited that you are researching the Geeky Ballerina teaching resources! 


Because if you're researching, it means you've joined the ranks of "geek," right? But even if you don't consider yourself geeky you are very welcome here. And I love that you are the kind of person who thinks ahead and gathers information before you make an investment decision. 


Beginning July 1, 2024, Geeky Ballerina pricing will be:







Complete Technique Curriculum

Beginning Division

Elementary Division

Intermediate Division

Advanced Division


Complete Pointe Curriculum

Introduction to Pointe

Intermediate/Advanced Pointe


Lesson Plan Bundles

Pre-ballet--Level 8

Pre-ballet A & B, Ballet Foundations A, B, & C

Levels 1--3

Levels 4--6

Levels 7 & 8


Pointe readiness evaluation, pointe prep, Levels 1-4

Pointe readiness evaluation, pointe prep, Level 1

Levels 2--4


Unit 1 lesson plans for each level in the division












a teacher correcting a ballet student at barre
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